Bruce Douglas

Bruce Douglas

Sports Writer

0 Articles

Favourite sports:

Rugby, Cricket, Football, Tennis

Favourite sports team:


Favourite football player:

Lyle Foster

Favourite sports athlete:

Roger Federer

Bruce Douglas has always had a passion for sports, playing cricket and tennis as a learner and translating that passion into coverage of live sports events as a cadet reporter. With a career in print online media spanning more than 12 years, he has a wealth of industry experience.

Bruce Douglas

Bruce Douglas has extensive knowledge on the coverage of multiple sports, including rugby, cricket, tennis, golf and soccer. In his time in print and online media, he has provided coverage, pitch reports, photographs and videos of local sport. When he is not at work, Bruce enjoys being outdoors and spending time with his wife and children. Among his favourite teams are the Sharks, Liverpool, and Durban’s Super Giants.